.. _tut-flow: ********* Data Flow ********* Depending on the scripting interface, directing the flow can be represented by plain text or interconnected lines .. _tut-txtflow: Text-based Symbols ================== The text-based scripting language aims to combine the quick and intuitive feel of shell scripting. Adopting a *Unix Pipeline*-like syntax. ``|`` as Synchronous Forward ---------------------------- This operator pushs data to next operation and **do** block/wait for it finish. For example: :: [1,2,3,4] | print Will always print (each item in it's own thread and in this order): ``1``, ``2``, ``3``, ``4``. ``->`` as Asynchronous Forward ------------------------------ This operator pushs data to the next operation and **do not** block/wait for it to finish. For example: :: [1,2,3,4] -> print May print (each item in it's own thread): ``4``, ``3``, ``2``, ``1`` or ``2``, ``1``, ``3``, ``4`` or even ``1``, ``2``, ``3``, ``4``. .. tut-graphflow: "Boxes and Arrows" ================== Currently, in the Visual Programming Language, all lines are treated as asynchronous forward.